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few and far between中文是什么意思

用"few and far between"造句"few and far between"怎么读"few and far between" in a sentence


  • 不多,少而分散,不常碰到或发现的,稀少的
  • 凤毛麟角
  • 极稀少
  • 难得,少见,稀少
  • 难能可贵
  • 少而分散的
  • 数量稀少
  • 稀少
  • "few"中文翻译    adj. (fewer; fewest) 1.〔无冠词 ...
  • "far"中文翻译    adj. (farther , further; far ...
  • "between"中文翻译     between three and four ...
  • "holidays are few and far between" 中文翻译 :    假日太少而且间隔很长
  • "far between" 中文翻译 :    远隔的; 远离的
  • "far-between" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.隔离的,远隔的。 2.稀有的。
  • "not far between our heart" 中文翻译 :    我们的心并不遥远
  • "a few" 中文翻译 :    (表示肯定)一些;几个; (表示肯定)有些,几个; 几个, 少数, 一些; 少许,一些; 为数不多的; 一点,一些; 一些(可数); 一些(用于可数名词); 一些,少量; 一些,几个; 一些;少数几个; 有些,几个; 有一些
  • "a few of" 中文翻译 :    几个
  • "few" 中文翻译 :    adj. (fewer; fewest) 1.〔无冠词 a (否定用法)〕少数的,很少,几乎没有 (opp. many) 〔cf. little〕。 2.〔a few (肯定用法)〕有些,几个(opp. none) 〔 cf. a little〕。 I have few friends. 我朋友很少,我几乎没有朋友。 a man of few words 沉默寡言的人。 I have a few friends. 我有少数几个朋友。 in a few days 过几天,在两三天内。 n. 1.〔无冠词(否定用法)〕很少数,几乎没有。 2.〔 a few (肯定用法)〕少数,几个。 3.〔the few 〕 (对“多数”说的)少数。 a few 1. 几个,两三个(A few of them come. 他们来了几个人。 A faithful few remain. 只剩下不多几个忠诚的友人[同道])。 2. 〔俚语〕一点点;〔反语〕很多,的确。 a good few = quite a few, not a few, some few 〔美语〕不少,相当多。 at the fewest 至少。 a very few 极少数。 every few days [minutes, weeks] 每隔几天[分钟、星期]。 few and far between 稀少,隔很久才发生的。 few or no [none] 几乎没有。 no fewer than 不下于,多达。 only a few 仅仅少数,一点点。 to name (only) a few 〔插入语〕(仅)举几个为例。
  • "few or no" 中文翻译 :    几乎没有
  • "not a few" 中文翻译 :    不少; 相当多的
  • "the few" 中文翻译 :    少数, 少数人
  • "as far as" 中文翻译 :    就而言; 就…而言;至于; 像…那样远,远到,直到,至于; 远达; 远到, 直到, 至于; 远至,到……程度; 直到
  • "by far" 中文翻译 :    (后接形容词最高级)得多,最; 大大地; 得多(修饰比较级或最高级); 得多,最最; 得多最; 非常,最(修饰比较级和最高级); 很多,最; 迄今; 远,非常(与比较级或最高级连用); 至今为止; 最,……得多; 最,……得多
  • "far" 中文翻译 :    adj. (farther , further; farthest , furthest ) 1.远隔的;离得远的,上远路的,长途的。 2.较远的,远处的。 3.久远的,上了年纪的。 a far country 遥远的国家。 a far traveller 远行者。 the far side of the room 屋子的那一边。 the far side of a horse 马的右边,下马的那边[上马由左边]。 a statesman of far sight 目光远大的政治家。 the far past 太古时候,很久以前。 the Far West (尤指美国)西部地方。 adv. 〔比较形同上〕 1.〔地点〕远,远隔,远在。 ★口语中表示地点时。 far 主要用于疑问句和否定句,肯定句中的表现方式是: We went a long way 〔书面语… went far〕。 The house is a long way off 〔书面语… is far〕。 2.(时间)遥远,久远。 3.(程度)很,极,大,…得多, far ahead 远在前面。far away [off] 远隔,在老远处。 the far distant past 久远以前, far back in the past 远古,在很久以前。 as far back as the 18th century 远在十八世纪。 go so far as to 竟然到…的地步,甚至…。 far into the night 到深夜。 far better 好得很。 I cannot say how far his story is true. 我不能说他的话可靠到什么程度。 a far cry 距离很远;大不相同 (It is a far cry to London. 到伦敦很远。 It is a far cry from a magic lantern to television. 电视与幻灯大不相同)。 as far as 1. 远到,直到 (go as far as Africa 远至非洲)。 2. 就;尽;至于(as far as possible 尽可能,尽量)。 as far as in me lies 尽我的力量。 as [so] far as it goes 就现状来说,就其本身而言。 as far as I know 就我所知 (= so far as I know)。 by far (修饰比较级,最高级,表示数量,程度等)…得多;尤其;更(This is by far the best. 这个尤其好)。 far and apart 远离着,远隔着。 far and away 非常;大大,…得多,肯定的,无疑地 (He is far and away the greatest poet living. 他是目前最最伟大的诗人)。 far and near [nigh] 远近,到处,四面八方。 far and wide 遍,广泛地,到处。 far be it from me 我决不会。 (few and) far between 极少,偶尔。 far from 1. 远离。 2. 决不,决没有,完全不 (far from Paris 远离巴黎的地方。 It's far from perfect. 那还远远算不上完善)。 far from it! 差得远呢! (be) far gone (病等)更加厉害;大醉;(欠债)更多。 far out 〔美俚〕 1. 不寻常的。 2. (政见等)极端的。 3. 奥秘的,秘传的。 from far 从远处。 from far and near 从各处;远近都…。 go far 1. 成功,成名。 2. 长时间保持,大有帮助。 go far towards 大有助于,大有贡献于。 go far with 很能感动…,对…有巨大力量[影响]。 how far 1. (离…)多远 (How far is it to the office 离办公室多远?)。 2. 到什么程度[范围] (I don't know how far to trust them. 我不知道应该相信他们到什么程度)。 in so far as (表示程度、范围)就…,尽…,至于。 so [thus] far 到目前(此地)为止;就此范围[程度]来说。 So far , so good. 到现在为止,一直都还不错。 so far as 尽…说,就…说;只就…说 (So far as I know. 就我知道的说)。 so far as ... concerns 就…说。 n. -ness
  • "far as" 中文翻译 :    那么远; 远至到
  • "in as far as" 中文翻译 :    在...的限度内, 在...的范围内, 到如此程度
  • "in the far" 中文翻译 :    在那遥远的地方
  • "is it far" 中文翻译 :    很远吗
  • "that far" 中文翻译 :    到那里为止,那么远
  • "between" 中文翻译 :     between three and four o'clock 在三点到四点(钟)之间。 the sunshine between the leaves 树叶间漏下的阳光。 with a cigarette between one's lips 嘴上叼着香烟。 choose between the two 二中择一。 They are between jobs. 他们正在失业。 a color between pink and red 介乎粉红与红之间的颜色。 a passageway between two rooms 连接两个房间的过道。 I have no preference between the two wines. 我对这两种酒没有偏爱。 He couldn't see the difference between good and bad. 他不识好歹[不分善恶]。 B- two stools one falls to the ground. 脚踏两边船,两不落实。 We'll keep this matter between the two of us. 这件事将只有我们两人知道。 B- sewing, cleaning, and raising her children, she was kept busy. 缝啦,洗啦,带孩子啦,弄得她从来不得松闲。 The children had one room between them. 孩子们共住一间屋。 We did not have ten dollars between us. 我们凑不出十块钱。 Divide these apples between you two [three]. 你们俩[三]人分掉这些苹果吧。 ★严格地讲,本来二者之间是用 between, 三者以上之间是用 among, 但前者亦可代替后者使用,尤其是当有三方发生关系而每两方之间须分别考虑时。 例如: a treaty between three powers 三国条约。 insert between the lines 插入行间。 Have no quarrels between gentleman. 君子自重。 between the cup and the lip 正要成功的时候,正在重要关头。 between ourselves = between you and me and the gate-post [lamppost] 你知我知,莫对人讲。 between two fires = between the devil and the deep sea 进退两难,进退维谷,左右为难。 between the lines 言外之意。 between whiles [times] 时时,偶尔。 between wind and water 【造船】在吃水线间(be hit between wind and water 被击中要害)。 (few and) far between 很冷落,极少 (In this part of Egypt houses are far between. 在埃及的这部分地区房屋极少,非常冷落。 visits that are far between 相隔时间很长的访问)。 adv. 当中,中间。 two windows with a door between 两扇窗户当中有一扇门。 We could not see the moon, for a cloud came between. 我们看不见月亮了,因为有云遮住。 the years between 这中间的年月。 in between 1. 在…期间;在中间;每隔… (two houses and a yard in between 两所房屋及夹在中间的院子。 I don't care if she's black, white or in between. 我不管她是黑皮肤、白皮肤,还是半黑半白)。 2.挡路 (The dog got in between. 狗挡住了路)。
  • "between… and" 中文翻译 :    两者之间
  • "between…and" 中文翻译 :    在…和…的中间
  • "in between" 中文翻译 :    进退两难; 新同居时代; 在此之间,在……之间; 在两者之间; 左右为难


  • Really good cooks are few and far between .
  • The buses to our village are few and far between .
  • The sunny intervals we were promised have been few and far between .
  • At this hour of the night passers-by were becoming few and far between in the boulevard haussmann .
  • And last night they were few and far between
  • About high school were few and far between
  • About high school were few and far between
  • The buses to our village are few and far between
  • Fresh strawberries out of season are few and far between
  • People who really care about others are few and far between
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
用"few and far between"造句  


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